Pastor Dan Cox


Love, Truth, Hope and the Right Side of History

The spirit of the age demands conformity with its temporal, human-centered philosophy, but the Spirit of God urgently calls people to embrace eternal, God-centered truth and graciously offers the gift of eternal life while warning of eternal judgment. In part 9 of Deciphering the Cultural Zeitgeist, Pastor Dan Cox reads from Titus 3:1-7, 1 Peter 3:13-17, Romans 8:18-25, and Revelation 21:1-8.

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Critical Theory and Intersectionality

The spirit of the age says all human beings find their value in group identity, can be divided into oppressor and oppressed, have varying degrees of moral authority based on their level of oppression and can find salvation through activism with the goal of social liberation, but the Spirit of God says all human beings find their value in having been created equal in the image of God, have fallen in sin which includes expressions of oppression, can find salvation and reconciliation through repentance from sin and faith in Christ and can dwell with God forever in beautiful diversity. In part 8 of Deciphering the Cultural Zeitgeist, Pastor Dan Cox reads from Genesis 1:26-27, Romans 3:21-25, Ephesians 2:11-16, and Revelation 7:9-10.

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Socialism, Marxism and Cultural Marxism

The spirit of the age increasingly endorses Socialism as the preferable economic system, Marxism as the preferable overarching grand narrative of the flow of history, and ideological uniformity and its variants such as “Neo-Marxism,” “Cultural Marxism” and others as effective tools for social transformation and economic equity, but the Spirit of God says humans have been given a responsibility to manage God’s resources and gifts well, are called to exercise compassionate care for the poor, and presents the Grand Story of Redemption and Restoration as the true overarching grand narrative for the flow of history. In part 7 of Deciphering the Cultural Zeitgeist, Pastor Dan Cox reads from 1 John 3:11-18.

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The spirit of the age says gender is a social construct that is fluid, multitudinous and based on the potentially shifting feelings of a person, but the Spirit of God says that God created human beings as male and female and that though social conventions and cultural expectations may vary, our fundamental identities as either male or female are biologically based and unchanging. In part 6 of Deciphering the Cultural Zeitgeist, Pastor Dan Cox reads from Genesis 1:26-31.

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The spirit of the age says marriage is a legal contract between two persons (currently) regardless of biological sex or gender identification, but the Spirit of God says marriage is a sacred covenant in which one biological man and one biological woman are joined together in complementary one flesh unity for the purpose of reflecting the nature and glory of God, satisfying human needs for companionship, partnership and sexual expression and creating the best environment in which to produce and raise children. In part 5 of Deciphering the Cultural Zeitgeist, Pastor Dan Cox reads from Ephesians 5:22-33.

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Homosexual Practice (Part 2)

The spirit of the age says homosexual practice stems from innate, unchangeable, morally praiseworthy attractions, but the Spirit of God says homosexual practice stems from the sinful nature and violates God’s good design for human sexuality, but can be forgiven and the person redeemed by the life, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. In part 4 of Deciphering the Cultural Zeitgeist, Pastor Dan Cox reads from 1 Corinthians 6:1-20.

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Homosexual Practice (Part 1)

The spirit of the age says homosexual practice stems from innate, unchangeable, morally praiseworthy attractions, but the Spirit of God says homosexual practice stems from the sinful nature and violates God’s good design for human sexuality, but can be forgiven and the person redeemed by the life, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. In part 3 of Deciphering the Cultural Zeitgeist, Pastor Dan Cox reads from 1 Corinthians 6:1-20.

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Human Sexuality: From the Beginning

The spirit of the age says sex is a pleasurable pursuit that can be disconnected from marital commitment and can be experienced in whatever way one finds desirable within the bounds of consent, but the Spirit of God says sex is a pleasurable gift of God given to promote human connection and flourishing within the bounds of biblical marriage for the purpose of physical, emotional and spiritual intimacy and oneness and the propagation of the human race through procreation. In part 2 of Deciphering the Cultural Zeitgeist, Pastor Dan Cox reads from Genesis 1:26-28 and Genesis 2:18-25.

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First Things First

Followers of Jesus must counter the anger and confusion of our times with God’s love and truth as we pursue personal holiness and demonstrate practical love for people. In part 1 of Deciphering the Cultural Zeitgeist, Pastor Dan Cox reads from James 1:19-27.

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A Portrait of Godliness

Eternal life and godliness is a gift of God’s grace and is demonstrated in sound doctrine, righteous character and good works. In part 10 of 1 Timothy & Titus: Godly Life and Leadership, Pastor Dan Cox reads from Titus 2:1 – 3:15.

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Fight the Good Fight

Followers of Jesus must flee evil, pursue godliness and persevere in faith for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. In part 9 of 1 Timothy & Titus: Godly Life and Leadership, Pastor Dan Cox reads from 1 Timothy 6:11-16, 20-21.

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Train Yourself for Godliness

Followers of Jesus are called to vigorously pursue godly doctrine, godly character and godly service. In part 6 of 1 Timothy & Titus: Godly Life and Leadership, Pastor Dan Cox reads from 1 Timothy 3:14 – 4:16.

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Keeping in Step with the Spirit

As followers of Jesus, we are permanently indwelt by the Spirit, but nevertheless we must choose daily to walk in dependence on His power. In part 9 of Soul Construction: The Fruit of the Spirit, Pastor Dan Cox reads from Galatians 5:24-25.

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