
Christ’s Return

Jesus Christ will return personally, bodily, visibly, with power and great glory to exercise victorious judgment on the earth, and He calls us to be ready. In part 10 of We Believe, Pastor Dan Cox reads from Acts 1:6-11, Matthew 24:29-31, and Revelation 19:11-21.

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Study Notes

Understanding the Text (Acts 1:6-11)

  • Authority (1:6-7)
  • Power (1:8)
  • Ascension (1:9)
  • Return (1:10-11)

Understanding the Text (Matthew 24:29-31)

  • Tribulation (24:29)
  • Return with Power and Great Glory (24:30)
  • Gathering of the Elect (24:31)

Understanding the Text (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

  • Grieving with hope (4:13)
  • Return with the souls of the righteous dead (4:14)
  • Resurrection of the bodies of the righteous dead (4:15-16)
  • Catching up of the living righteous (4:17)
  • Encouragement (4:18)

The Doctrine of Christ’s Return

  • Personal
  • Visible
  • Bodily
  • Power and Great Glory
  • Victorious Judgment
  • Resurrection

A Mercifully Brief Deep Dive

  • Premillennialism
  • Postmillennialism
  • Amillennialism
  • Historic Premillennialism
  • Dispensational Premillennialism
  • The Rapture
    • Symbolic
    • Pre-tribulational
    • Mid-tribulational
    • Post-tribulational

WLBC & The Doctrine of Christ’s Return

  • Personal – Visible – Bodily – Power and Great Glory – Victorious Judgment – Resurrection
  • Premillennial
  • Dispensational
  • Pretribulational Rapture
  • Imminent

Applying the Text

  • Trust…in Jesus Christ
  • Love…as Christ loved you
  • Serve…one another
  • Proclaim Christ…in word and deed
  • Make disciples…of all peoples