
Faithful Generations

God is able to do far more than all that we ask or think, and will be glorified throughout all generations, forever and ever. Pastor Dan Cox reads from Ephesians 3:14-21.

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Study Notes

Context for Our Text

 May you…

  • be strengthened with the Spirit’s power
  • understand the extent of God’s love for you
  • experience the love of Christ
  • be filled with all the fullness of God

To Him who is able… be glory…

  • in the church
  • in Christ Jesus
  • throughout all generations

Faithful Generations Vision

Pray – Prune – Plant – Plug – Prioritize

  • PRAY for our church and our community
  • PRUNE our ministries
  • PLANT new ministries
  • PLUG people into the church
  • PRIORITIZE our facility improvements

Applying the Text

  • Pray!