

Patience is the God-given capacity to handle difficult people or situations calmly and with a long-term perspective. In part 5 of Soul Construction: The Fruit of the Spirit, Pastor Dan Cox reads from Galatians 5:22.

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Study Notes

Soul Construction

  • The Goal
  • The Means
  • The Power

Some Context First…

The Fruit of the Spirit

  • Love
  • Joy
  • Peace
  • Patience

What Does the Bible Teach About Patience?

James Spiegel, How to Be Good in a World Gone Bad

Some Further Thoughts on Patience…

Why is patience a virtue?
What varieties of patience are there?
Why is patience so difficult?
How is patience developed?

Patience reveals our faith in God’s timing, omnipotence and love.

Applying the Text

  • Do you trust in God’s timing, omnipotence and love?