
The Fall of Saul

Saul’s life illustrates the dangers of disobedience: humiliating defeat, a lost kingdom and a lost life. In part 1 of Chronicles: God’s Mercy and Faithfulness Overcomes, Pastor Dan Cox reads from 1 Chronicles 10.

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Study Notes


In recounting their nation’s history, the Chronicler implores the Israelites, and us, to remember that obedience brings blessing, and disobedience brings judgment.  Nevertheless, God’s sovereign purposes will prevail in spite of human weakness and failure.  The follower of Christ, while heeding warnings of judgment, can rejoice that our God is a merciful and faithful God who forgives, restores and accomplishes His divine will.

A Brief Introduction to Chronicles

Author: Ezra?

Date: About 535 BC

Recipients: Returning Jewish exiles

Purpose: To remind returning Jewish exiles why they had gone into exile, and reassure them of God’s faithfulness in spite of their unfaithfulness.

A Brief History of King Saul…

Understanding the Text

The Death of Saul (10:1-7)

The Desecration of Saul (10:8-12)

The Downfall of Saul (10:13-14)

Applying the Text

  • Are you keeping faith with the Faithful One?