
ZEPHANIAH: Our Just and Gracious God

God will show Himself just in the judgment of all sin and gracious in great blessing upon His people. In part 8 of Majoring on the Minors: Key Themes in the Minor Prophets, Pastor Dan Cox reads from Zephaniah 1 – 3.

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Study Notes

Previously in the Minor Prophets…

A Brief Introduction to Zephaniah

Overview of Zephaniah

The Day of the LORD: Judgment ( Zephaniah 1:1 – 3:8)
The Day of the LORD: Blessing ( Zephaniah 3:9-20)

God is just…

  • in judging the sin of His people
  • in judging the sin of the nations

God is gracious…

  • in restoring blessing upon His people
  • in restoring blessing upon all the world

Applying the Text

Repent… Seek the LORD… Rejoice!