
MALACHI: Don’t Hit that Snooze Button

It’s time for the church to heed a wake-up call to renewed commitment to God. In part 12 of Majoring on the Minors: Key Themes in the Minor Prophets, Pastor Dan Cox reads from Malachi 1 – 4.

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Study Notes

A Brief Introduction to Malachi

God’s Love for Israel (1:1-5)

God’s Disputes with Israel (1:6 – 4:3)

God’s Restoration of Israel (4:4-6)

Understanding the Text

Wake-Up Call 1: Respond to God’s Love

Wake-Up Call 2: Honor God

Wake-Up Call 3: Be Faithful

Wake-Up Call 4: Hope in God

Wake-Up Call 5: Obey God

Wake-Up Call 6: Fear God

Applying the Text

Are you giving your best to God?

Are you giving your best to your spouse?

Are you giving generously?

Do you need to renew your commitment to God?
