
Perseverance: Power to Continue

You are held eternally secure by God’s power and faithfulness and are therefore called to run the race of the Christian life with faithful endurance. In part 8 of Lavished: Your Riches in Christ, Pastor Dan Cox reads from John 10:22-30, Romans 8:26-30, and Hebrews 12:1-14.

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Study Notes

Predestination and Election

God knew, loved and chose you before the foundation of the world to be conformed to the image of Christ and receive all spiritual blessings in Christ.

Calling and Regeneration

In time, God effectively called you to Himself and made you spiritually alive through the new birth.

Faith and Repentance

Having been made spiritually alive, God gave you faith- trust in the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ- and changed your mind about sin.


Through faith in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God has declared you righteous- as holy as Christ Himself- forever and ever.


God placed you into His family giving you all the rights and privileges of a child of God, and made you a co-heir with His Son, Jesus Christ.


God has separated you from judgment for Himself and is working now to separate you from the power of sin in the sure hope of total deliverance from sin.


God holds you eternally secure in His hand even as He calls you to continue in your faith upheld by His mighty power.

The sheep…

  • hear Christ’s voice
  • follow Christ
  • have eternal life
  • will never perish
  • are secure in Christ’s hand
  • are secure in the Father’s hand

The saints…

  • are helped in their weakness
  • are assured of a good life tapestry
  • were foreknown
  • were predestined to be made like Christ
  • were called
  • were justified
  • were glorified


  • run the race with endurance
  • look to Jesus
  • accept God’s discipline
  • make straight paths
  • strive for peace with everyone

Applying the Text

Are you running the race with endurance knowing you are secure in God’s hand?