
Guest Speaker: Dr. Arthur Evans Gay – “Fakery In the Pew”

In a day of rampant religious fakery in our pews, please become a true Christ Follower … and show it with grace filled and redeemed Godliness. Dr. Arthur Evans Gay reads from Luke 6:43-49.

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Study Notes

“You can tell genuine Christians by what they believe and how they behave.” (Anon.)

Jesus Christ concluded the Sermon on the Mount with a summary call to Christ Followers, “believe and behave.”

Jesus soberly asks, “Why do you call me, “Lord, Lord’ and do not do what I tell you?

Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like.” (Luke 6:46)

The “fake” Christian has two big problems.

The “true” Christian has two big assets.

The genuine Christian publicly professes the name of Jesus Christ, “Lord, Lord” and means it.

My heart says, “I love you Lord only, and will behave as a redeemed child..”
My mind says, “I believe that you are the Lord … the Way, the Truth, and the Life. My only Redeemer.”

My will says, “Lord, I am your disciple and will follow you only.”

The Invitation to a genuine Christian … In a day of rampant religious fakery in our pews, please become a true Christ Follower … and show it with grace filled and redeemed Godliness.