Perseverance gives the genuine believer sure hope, but no such assurance can be given to those who do not continue in the faith. In part 7 of Hebrews: Persevering Faith in the Superior Christ, Pastor Dan Cox reads from Hebrews 6:4-12.
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Study Notes
Perseverance: To stand firm in faith, to remain vitally connected to Christ.
Three Interpretations
- These are genuine believers who turn away from their faith and lose their salvation
- This is a hypothetical situation designed to warn immature Christians of the need to grow in faith or else face severe divine discipline
- These are “professing Christians” only- they are not genuine believers- and their falling away proves their insincerity
Understanding the Text
- Warning against falling away (Hebrews 6:4-8)
- Confidence and sure hope (Hebrews 6:9-12)
The Debate: Is the believer secure?
Some thoughts on the issue…
- While acknowledging the difficulty of the issue and the strong emotions that often come with this debate, I believe both sides are biblically defensible
- While very important, the matter is not an essential of the faith
- Profession of faith, intellectual assent, affiliation with a church, involvement in church ministries or even powerful emotional religious experiences do not necessarily make for a genuine conversion
- Scripture embraces various paradoxical tensions such as the Trinity and divine sovereignty/human responsibility. I believe one such tension is the security of the believer and the simultaneous charge/ warning to continue holding firm in faith
- I believe that genuine believers in Christ will be held securely in Christ until the end, and therefore will persevere until the end. But, I also acknowledge the reality of doubt, besetting sins and even seasons of struggle and disobedience
- All believers will appear at the judgment seat of Christ to be rewarded, or, suffer loss of rewards
Applying the Text
- Is your hope sure?