
An Unpopular, Spectacular Invitation

Jesus Christ bids you, ‘Come and die… that you might live.’ In part 1 of Demystifying Discipleship, Pastor Dan Cox reads from Matthew 16:21-28.

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Study Notes

Christianese Discipleship

  1. A course of study intended to establish a new believer in the basics of Christian faith.
  2. A lifelong course of study designed to increase the believer’s knowledge of the Bible and assorted theological concepts.

Biblical Discipleship

The lifelong process of following Christ–learning from Him and obeying Him–in order that you might be made more like Him and accomplish His eternal purposes.
Immediate Goal
Spiritual Maturity
Ultimate Goal
The Glory of God
Worship, Scripture, Prayer, Fellowship, Service, Witness, Stewardship, Spiritual Disciplines….

The Call to Discipleship in Matthew 16:21-28

  1. A Shocking Revelation (Mat 16:21)
  2. A Stern Rebuke (Mat 16:22-23)
  3. A Shocking Statement (Mat 16:24)
  4. A Spectacular Reward (Mat 16:25-28)

An Unpopular Invitation

“Come and Die”

A Spectacular Invitation

“Come and Die… that You Might Live”

An Invitation

Come and Live