
Fullness and Freedom in Christ

As a believer in Christ, you are full and complete in Him- forgiven and forever free. In part 6 of Colossians: Fullness In Christ, Pastor Dan Cox reads from Colossians 2:9-23.

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Study Notes

Understanding the Text

  1. The Person and Work of Christ (Col 1:1-29)
  2. Error and Truth (Col 2:1-23)
    1. Maturity in Christ (Col 2:1-8)
    2. Fullness, Forgiveness and Freedom (Col 2:9-23)
1. Fullness (Col 2:9-12)

In Christ, the fullness of Deity lives in bodily form
You have been given fullness in Christ
2. Forgiveness (Col 2:13-15)

You were made alive in Christ
ALL your sins have been forgiven
You share in Christ’s victory over evil powers
3. Freedom (Col 2:16-23)

You are free from legalism
You are free to win the prize of spiritual rewards
You have God’s help in conquering evil desires

Principles from the Text

  • The believer has fullness of life through union with Christ
  • The believer is free forever in Christ

Applying the Text

Since I am united with Christ…

I can rejoice that..
God has forgiven my sin of…
God can help me overcome my sin of…