
Civil War

Grave sin may set in motion a series of sinful and tragic events. In part 7 of 2 Samuel: Success and Struggle, Pastor Dan Cox reads from 2 Samuel 14 – 18.

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Study Notes

Understanding the Text

  1. Rebellion (Chs. 14 – 18)
    1. Absalom’s estrangement (Ch. 14)
    2. Absalom’s conspiracy (Ch. 15)
    3. Absalom’s power base (Ch. 16)
    4. Absalom’s pursuit (Ch. 17)
    5. Absalom’s death (Ch. 18)

Principles from the Text

  • Our sin can bring devastating consequences
  • Failure to correct others can bring devastating consequences

Applying the Text

  • Do you take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ?
  • Do you deal immediately with your wicked behavior?
  • Do you biblically confront sin in others?