
Critical Questions: Theism “Does God Exist?”

Because God exists, we can have confidence regarding the critical human concerns of origins, meaning, morality and destiny. In part 5 of Biblical Worldview Matters, Pastor Dan Cox reads from Psalm 19:1-4 and Romans 1:16-32.

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Study Notes

What is a “Worldview”?

A worldview is the framework of our most basic beliefs that shapes our understanding of the world and is the basis for our values, priorities, attitudes and actions.
The Biblical worldview conforms to Biblical teaching, which in turn, conforms to REALITY.
Four Critical Concerns…
Four Critical Questions…

Philosophical arguments for the existence of God

Evidential arguments for the existence of God

The objective of philosophical and evidential arguments for the existence of God is to demonstrate the reasonable nature of faith.

Philosophical Arguments

  1. Cosmological Argument
  2. Teleological Argument
  3. Moral Argument

Evidential Arguments

  1. The Scriptures
  2. Jesus Christ

Philosophical Arguments: Cosmological Argument

The necessity of a cause for everything that has a beginning argues for an eternal First Cause: God.

Philosophical Arguments: Teleological Argument

The highly complex design of the universe argues for a Designer: God

Philosophical Arguments: Moral Argument

The existence of a universal moral code argues for a Moral Lawgiver: God

Evidential Arguments: The Scriptures

The unique nature of the Bible argues for a Divine Author.

Evidential Arguments: Jesus Christ

The unique Person of Jesus Christ and His resurrection argues for His divine identity and authority.

Psalm 19:1-4 Critical Questions: Theism

  • The glory of the creation just can’t shut up about the glory of God!

Romans 1:16-32 Critical Questions: Theism

  • Sinful human beings suppress the plain truth about God and consequently have been given over to futile thinking and darkened hearts.

Applying the Text

  • Are you prepared to make a defense for the existence of God?