
First Day of School Prayer

May God keep both your bodies and your hearts safe.

May He help you to know the right thing to do in every situation, and may you choose to do it.

May He give you courage to be strong in tough situations. 

May He make you be friends who are willing to lay down your own desires to meet the needs of a friend.

May He help you be kind to others, and let others be kind to you.

May He help you remember to pray in sticky situations.

May He help you to watch your words. Let your words build others up and not tear them down.

May you always know that you are God’s masterpiece, no matter what anyone else says.

Help me to make home a refuge for them, a place where they can rest and be comforted after a hard day.

May He help you be respectful of others, both adults and other children.

May He help you open your minds to learning, but help you remember to compare everything you are taught against God’s word.

May He help you to grow this year in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.

Help me to be the parent that they need. Let me hold onto my patience and look to You for wisdom before opening my mouth.

Let this year be filled with joy and unexpected gifts.


As seen in Cup O’ Cheer