
UpWords (C) 2016 Max Lucado – A New Song

What do we
say about someone who claims to be a Christian yet behaves like anything
but one.  God places a song in the hearts of his saved children. Some
sing this song loud and long every single day of their lives. In other
cases the song falls silent. Life’s hurts and happenings mute the music
within. Long seasons pass in which God’s song is not sung.

The truth is, we don’t always know if someone has trusted God’s
grace. A person may have feigned belief but not meant it. Whether or
not someone’s faith is real isn’t ours to know. But we do know this: where
there is genuine conversion, there is eternal salvation. Our task is to trust
God’s ability to call his children home. We join God as he walks among his
wayward and wounded children, singing.  Eventually his own will hear his
voice, and something within them will awaken. And when it does, they will begin
to sing again.


God is With You
Every Day