
You May Quote Me – On The Return Of Christ

[Editor’s note: There were just too many good ones; I couldn’t decide which to post, so here are all of them.]

He that rose from the clods we expect from the clouds. –Thomas Adams

He who loves the coming of the Lord is not he who affirms it is far off, nor is it he who says it is near. It is he who, whether it be far or near, awaits it with sincere faith, stead-fast hope and fervent love. –Augustine

The certainty of the Second Coming of Christ should touch and tincture every part of our daily behavior. –John Blanchard

The only remedy for all this mass of misery is the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Why do we not plead for it every time we hear the clock strike? –Anthony Ashley Cooper

The subject of the second coming of Christ has never been popular to any but the true believer. –Billy Graham

Christ will come when He pleases, to show His sovereignty, and will not let us know when, to teach us our duty. –Matthew Henry

(The Timothy Report, and seen in Cup O’Cheer