
Missionary Update – The Malczewskis

Greg says,

“We had our first day together as teachers, yesterday (Monday, 08-04). It was a kind of "retreat” time and I was able to speak to several teachers about my eleventh grade Bible class. There are only 5 girls in a class of 19. That hasn’t been a problem for this class. There are only 3 native-born, English-speaking students in this class. While that is unusual even for our school it is not a problem. We need to lift this particular class up in prayer that they might come to see spiritual realities and where they stand in eternity. Two of the boys just committed their lives to Christ less than a year ago. One teacher-mom told me, today, that her daughter is on fire for the Lord. Pray that this “pilot” light becomes a flame and this class does more than come to school to learn English and get good grades so they can go to college in the States. Pray that this class not only learns a biblical worldview but lives it.

Praise: Gail finished her graduate level class on career counseling. While she audited the class and probably won’t get a grade she learned some valuable things will make her more effective with our high school students. She is praying that the professor gives her some feedback on her final project. Also, she is confident that she has 2 students for Yearbook, but needs 4 or 5 experienced students and 6 or 7 inexperienced students for a quality book.

Prayer: Greg found out, yesterday (Friday, 08-08) about 2:00 PM, that he won’t be teaching Bible 11 but Bible 12. The difficult part is only having 4 or 5 days to prepare a senior level Apologetics (defense of the faith) class. The good part is that this was brought about by a teacher who only wanted to swap for this semester. I’m looking forward to jumping into the topic AND what I prepared over the summer will be ready for the juniors in semester 2.

We appreciate your prayers on our behalf and for our students.“