
Why We Celebrate Christmas

Little baby, soft and warm,
In a straw filled manger, in a barn.
Christmas is a special date,
On this occasion, we celebrate
The only child, born of virgin birth,
Sent by his Father down to earth
To save a world gone far astray,
To die, and take our sins away.
He walked on earth, this Godly Son,
For there was so much, to be done
He led, He taught, He pleaded,
Performed miracles when needed
He was finally nailed to a cross.
He gave his life for a world so lost.
The work He came for, had been done.
His Father called home his beloved Son.
He now is waiting there, for us, patiently.
Someday we’ll join Him there, forever to be,
Where heartaches and cares, are unknown.
When we reach there, these will be gone.
This year when we meet to celebrate
What happened on this special date,
Remember what Christmas is, without a doubt,
The baby born this day is what it’s all about
Dear Lord in Heaven, please hear us, as we pray.
We offer thanks for what happened on that day.
We need you now, to lead us back to your way.
Thank you, for the reason we celebrate this day.

Seen in Cup O’ Cheer
Jack Young © Christmas 2011