
Lord, why must I suffer

I received this from a dear friend in North Carolina who has Stage IV cancer. I don’t think she wrote this, but she has a wonderful attitude about her sufferings.I hope this encourages you.

I prayed to the Lord for my troubles to cease,

But instead of departing, they seemed to increase.

Each day found new problems I’d not faced before,

And so my depression just grew more and more.

I begged and I pleaded, “Lord, please let me die!

If you can’t ease my pain, at least tell me why.”

The Lord said, “My dear child, I love you so much!

And I could have erased all those tears with one single touch.

“But I wanted to teach you to cling to My hand,

And trust Me for things you cannot understand.

I wanted to show you that when things go wrong,

My strength in your weakness will make you grow strong.

“You’ve suffered because you were chosen to be

A light for the lost, and a witness for Me.

As you travel the pathway I’ve laid out for you,

You will meet many hearts that are suffering too.

“And because you have been there, and know what they feel,

You can show them My love, and can help them to heal.” 

‘Twas then that I wept, as I fell on my knees,

And I gave thanks to God for not granting my pleas.

“For had I not suffered, and felt such despair,

How could I have known the extent of His care?

Oh, Lord, make me worthy to share Your great love,

And help hurting souls reach Your Heaven above.”

 2 Corinthians 1:3 & 4 … “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”