
The Birth of Jesus

The birth of Jesus has changed everything. In part 1 of Matthew: The Messiah Has Come, Pastor Dan Cox reads from Matthew 1 & 2.

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Study Notes

A Brief Introduction to Matthew

Author: The Apostle Matthew
Date: About 60 AD
Recipients: Jews
Purpose: Demonstrate that Jesus is the Messiah who has brought the kingdom of heaven to earth and delivered both Jews and Gentiles
Structure: Revolves around five great discourses on the kingdom of heaven, which serve as an “instruction manual” for followers of Jesus Christ

Understanding the Text

  1. Arrival of the Messiah (Matthew 1:1 – 2:23)
    1. Genealogy of Jesus (Matthew 1:1-17)
    2. Birth of Jesus (Matthew1:18-25)
    3. Visit of Magi (Matthew2:1-12)
    4. Flight to Egypt (Matthew2:13-23)

“This changes everything…”

How has Jesus changed everything?
How has Jesus changed your life?